G4 in Space

We invest in greatest science, innovation and creativity around the world.

A European spacecraft manufacturer that develops, manufactures and operates the Nyx space capsule for space agencies and space stations as well as both space and non-space companies in other industries.

ATMOS Space Cargo designs and manufactures space capsules to return cargo from space.

A digital space platform that simplifies the design, simulation, and operation of satellites.

A pioneer in high-resolution high precision greenhouse gas emissions sensing technology from space.

Creating expandable habitats for people and storage that are low-cost, have more livable room, and easier to get up into space.

Creating the data infrastructure that will enable sustainable growth for the new space economy.

Their mission is to develop better, cost-effective solutions that address our customers’ needs in the satellite communication space by bringing to bear extensive experience and knowledge of hardware, software and spacecraft.

A Space Safety and Logistics Company, using technology to save the Trillion $ Space industry from Debris Pollution in Space.

Developing next-generation earth observation satellites which will deliver a complete perspective of the earth in near-real time.

Measuring temperature, water & carbon from space for better resource accountability.

An insurance company which uses advanced technology and artificial intelligence to protect California homeowners from wildfires.

A global satellite network that any Bluetooth-enabled device can connect to, even without cellular reception.

A carbon credit ratings agency focused on bringing deep transparency to the nature-based Voluntary Carbon Markets.

Ubotica Technologies provides smarts for smart satellites. Transforming Imaging Satellites by placing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computer Vision (CV) and Edge Computing on board and in-orbit.

Pioneering Electromagnetic Technology for Responsive and Sustainable Space Exploration.

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